Elementary School
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Elementary School
Richard, a 5th grader from Andover, MA, is a Cool Science Runner-Up. Congratulations Richard!
Richard’s Artist Statement: “I addressed the challenge question by showing the difference between a world that recycles and a world that doesn’t recycle. I am trying to say that if we don’t recycle and take care of our world now, it will get weaker and weaker. The reason why I made my artwork like this is to inspire others to use take action to restore our plant such as using reusable bags and clean energy and avoid using gasoline whenever we can. Yes, it made me do a comparison drawing and I have never done this before. I hope that people will not use fossil fuels and use electricity coming from wind turbines and hydroelectric power plants. I also want to encourage people to use recyclable bags and containers like tote bags and reusable plastic containers. I learned we have the power to change how our planet looks in the future if we take action to change our ways. I live near Merrimack River and my family goes for nature walks and every time we walk there, we see piles of garbage everywhere we go. Even on the path we see garbage. This really concerns me because I am usually a nature person, exploring the woods, and I hate to see it treated with disrespect. I hope my art will have a big impact on the world and my town.”
Darla, a 2nd grader from Acton, MA, is a Cool Science Runner-Up. Congratulations Darla!
Darla’s Artist Statement: “I picked the third question about plants and animals adapting to a warmer ocean because I like sea animals. I thought that a good answer would be for the fish to go in some cooler areas of the water so they could not be so hot. In my poster the fish swimming in the ocean are really hot. One fish who is in a shaded cave is saying it's cooler in here, inviting the other fish to come in, while two dolphins are just sad because they have no shade from the hot sun and hot water and the jellyfish are just thinking I'm a little hot. I was going for an underwater theme. I chose a color that is fish like for the fish and I made some fish, some seaweed, some coral, and some dolphins and jellyfish. And then I thought if I could make some caves some of the fish would be hot and sweaty and some could be nice in the cooler water in the cave. I just tried to color it so the water is light so you can see the darker objects easier. In that cave you can see that it has some shade so the fish can stay cooler. I hope that people learn from my artwork that when fish go in different places they can feel different things. If the water gets warmer and warmer the fish have to move to cooler water. I learned that when temperatures rise it hurts the sea animals, like the fish”
Katerina, a 5th grader from Winchester, MA, is a Cool Science Runner-Up. Congratulations Katerina!
Katerina’s Artist Statement: “I think most of us know what climate change is. The Earth is getting unhealthier by the minute and it’s because of the little things we’re all doing. In my work I’m trying to show how much of a difference we can make if we all pitch in. That's why I created it in the way I did. It clearly shows the difference we can all help make reality. The art competition helped me become more creative with my work. Instead of only colored pencils, I chose to use bright vibrant crayons. I hope that people will learn that it is possible to stop climate change if we work together. I can’t make a big difference on my own, but together WE can. We can all pitch in. We can all make a difference. That’s why we should cut down on fossil fuels and why turning off the lights or turning off the water faucet makes a difference. During this project I not only learned what we can do but what might happen if we didn’t. If we don't all help, our Earth will become dead and dry. My inspiration for this project was that I knew I would be making a difference. I knew that I would help the world become a better place.”